Hello everyone! What an amazing week of learning! As our theme this week is about Pets (Rabbits), we were very excited to bounce like rabbits with our friends to find carrots in the classroom and had a chance to talk about how to take care of rabbits at home! For English, we learned about the letter T and the new words (tiger, turtle, tooth and train). We had lots of fun in finding the things that start with the letter T in the rice box and we found all of them correctly! For Maths, we were introduced to the number 8. Our teachers showed us how to make an eight-legged spider with our hands by linking our thumbs together. Then, we showed our ‘hand spider’ while we sang the ‘Itsy Bitsy Spider’ song. We all danced around the classroom and had a really great time with our friends this week!
We’ve had a busy week full of lots of fun hands-on activities. We wrapped up our topic on ‘food’ in Cambridge by discussing where our food comes from. It was great to see how much everyone contributed to these discussions. We practiced our fine motor skills by pretending to milk a cow which everyone thoroughly enjoyed! Math was lots of fun this week as we sorted classroom objects into ‘grey’ and ‘brown’ to do some colour revision. Critical Thinking was the highlight of the week as we spoke about travelling which was exciting for the kids as we pretended to be airplanes taking off at the airport. We also talked about possible holiday destinations and if they are hot or cold and how we could pack for them. We brought all our learning together by designing and packing our own suitcases using facial tissues boxes. This was a great way for students to tie in all the learning from the week as well as practice their fine motor and creativity skills. We look forward to more ‘egg-citing’ fun next week in preparation for Easter!
During our Critical Thinking lessons this week we are reflecting on holidays and vacations, and the travel process that comes along with taking trips and visiting a new part of the world. We focused on the airport and the interesting people who work there, as well as the machines and different things we can use in an airport, and the steps we need to follow to ensure we find our plane on time and arrive at our destination. The students were encouraged to bring pictures of their own holidays to share with the class, becoming the focus of a lively group discussion in which, the students had the opportunity to discuss their personal experiences of taking a holiday and everything they had to do to prepare for it. We also began working on our very own ABC ‘boarding pass’, which we will use to perform a group role play in which we will go on our own imaginary class trip together.
During Maths, we continued our counting revision and practiced counting all the way up to 100! We also revised our addition we’ve been practicing over the last few weeks, doing addition sums going up to 10.
Greetings Friends! We hope that everyone had an eventful weekend! From taking a cruise and roaming around the world, this week’s critical thinking has taken us out of this world! We learned about space shuttles - what it looks like and how a takeoff launch works. We definitely had a BLAST!
Then for Math, the students reviewed the identification of their banknotes and coins. Then, we focused on combining the coins together in order to make a certain amount. It was worth counting for sure! To sharpen our addition skills, we continued practicing our 2-digit addition with carry-over this week.
And for our Physical play this week, to make it coherent to our Critical thinking theme, our students played space related games like the Space invasion wherein the students practiced their accuracy in their underhand throwing, then we also got to play the Space tag and the weightless race.
It has been an action-packed week filled with much fun and happy learning! Looking forward to more of these with our eager beavers next week! See you all!
(1) 認識生活中常見的奶類和肉類食物及其名稱
(2) 知道保持身體健康每天要喝六至八杯水
(3) 認識「蛋」的字形和字義
主題----「小小科學家」 今週主題繼續圍繞著「小小科學家」。小朋友透過各種遊戲和實驗認識了立體圖形,包括球體、圓柱體和正方體等。過程中,他們察覺到物品能否滾動取決於它們的形狀。其次,小朋友也很積極地想測試自己從家中帶來的物品。並與同學們一起觀察實驗的結果。從而,令他們發掘到平日接觸到的物品存在著不同形狀。老師更邀請小朋友分組用課室的玩具去搭建道路和建築物。結束時,再分享自己用了哪些形狀的玩具去建構。 另外,這週老師依舊帶領幼兒分辨時、地、人、事和動詞。課堂中,透過趣味地遊戲讓他們更深刻地掌握句子內所包含的語文元素與結構。最後,這週的成語故事是「瓜田李下」。教導幼兒做事要謹慎,避免行為受到他人的誤會。 學習目的:
1. 辨別出代表時間、人物、地點和事件的字詞
2. 說出立體圖形的名稱
3. 能以句式「____在斜坡上滾動。」來創作句子
(1) 分辨電池的正極和負極
(2) 知道電力的來源
(3) 知道摩擦能產生靜電
普逍話兒歌 PN