It was a week of excitement and curiosity as the young learners take their first steps into their new learning environment of Pre-Nursery. The PN students are all going through a period of discovery and adjustment as they encounter new faces, toys and routines. Through a combination of play, exploration and structured activities such as singing songs, listening to stories and making small crafts, the little ones are slowly building up their skills to develop a sense of independence and responsibility. The teachers continue to do their best in creating a positive fun environment and establishing good relationships with the children so that they’d feel safe and look forward coming to school.

It’s been a heart-warming week for us in K1 as we were all so happy and excited to meet our new teachers and friends. We enjoyed getting to know each other through various ball games and activities. We also liked exploring our new classroom setting through playing with the toys and the interactive boards in our new rooms. For phonics, we recapped the letters A-C through some sorting games as well as some tracing to practice our fine motor skills. It was also great to meet our Cambridge friends ‘Pippa’ and ‘Pop’ who we will be seeing throughout the year in our Cambridge activities. In Math, we learned about the colour red by sorting red toys together. Our first week has flown by and we can’t wait to see what the rest of the year has in store for us

Hello K2! Welcome back to school! For our first week back, the students are getting familiarised with the class teachers, new classrooms and new classmates. That is why we have created a “All about me” worksheet for students to write their names, their age and for them to choose their own hobbies. Then we took turns to introduce ourselves along with the worksheet. We were all very brave whilst standing in front of our classmates and did an excellent job describing the different members of our families in detail.
For Math in this first week, we explored the concept of “heavy vs light” once again where we had to point at different objects / pictures in which we think is heavier / lighter than the other objects. Our students were all excited and were eager to try to feel the weight of every object on their hands!

Hello everyone, and welcome to K3! We are so happy to get to know all our new friends and families! We had a great time this first week. This first week we spent a lot of our Critical Thinking time getting to know each other and your new teachers. Our students also got a chance to share a little bit about their families as well! For Math this week, we reviewed our 2-D shapes and focused on some of the more difficult shapes; pentagon, hexagon, and octagon. We also reviewed our arithmetic, focusing on addition with a sum no bigger than 15. We also utilized a number line to help us see how addition makes the numbers go up the line. During our Physical Play time we spent a lot of time going over rules of the playground to make sure we play safely as well as having a great time. We are so excited for the new year, let’s have a great one!


2. 認識班上的好朋友的樣和姓名。
3. 邀請好朋友一齊玩耍。

學習目的: 1.學習運用禮貌語,享受與人禮貌相處
3. 認識學校裏各班的老師
4. 學習部首字 「人、口」

學習目的: 1) 培養與人分享的態度
2) 學習自我介紹的技巧
3) 懂得遵守團體遊戲的規則

普通話兒歌 PN-K1

