It was so good to see all the kids in school again and we finally had the birthday party that everyone has been waiting for. We all looked extravagant in our funny hats and crazy hair-dos. The students were introduced to the letter G and vocabulary words related to the letter such as grapes, green and giraffe. We worked on our fine motor skills by removing grapes from the stem one by one. We handled some grapes, practiced our counting and exercised our little fingers – it was a fun time for all. For the theme ‘All About Me’, we made silly faces together by using different eyes, ears, nose, and mouth. For Math, the students were introduced to the concept of big and small. Students were separating items into two different categories and having fun at the same time.

Our K1s finally returned back to school after their typhoon break! They enjoyed learning letters O and P this week! They also learned about mother farm animals and their babies such as dog>puppy, pig>piglet, etc. We also learned different math concepts this week such as colour green and triangle shape. We learned more about the triangle by looking at pictures of different things around us that of the same shape such as pizza, cones etc. In order to strengthen our math concepts, we also did an in-class worksheet of tracing and coloring triangular trees green.

After the typhoon, the students are excited to be back to school with a brand new week of fun and learning. We continued our discussion on farms during our English lesson. The students are learning about the names of different baby farm animals and what sort of food they provide for us. We also continued our counting lessons in Math. We are now counting from 11-20! During Physical Play, we adapted our counting skills by counting bean bags and balls. We took up the challenge of arranging ourselves in the correct order as fast as we can. See you again next week for another K2 update

What an exciting week for the K3 students! In Math, we practiced adding three single digit numbers. Even though we are familiarwith big numbers, adding three in a row is a fun new challenge. We also learned about symmetry and looked for symmetrical things we see every day, like letters! For Critical Thinking, we focused our farm topic on learning about cows. We even learned how to milk a cow! It took some practice but we were able to get some milk from the udders. Last Wednesday, we learned that it’s cream that we get from cows. We got to shake some of this cream and watch it separate to give us two things we use from cream: milk and butter! We ended this fun week with our Birthday Party for our October Birthday Stars. See you next week as we celebrate Halloween!

主題 : 「我愛上學」─學校大發現
來到主題的第二週,老師和幼兒一起認識ABC Pathways國際幼稚園校徽。透過校徽圖案配對遊戲,幼兒學習校徽中不同圖案代表的意義,並學習說出每一個圖案的名稱,遊戲增加幼兒對學校校徽的認識外,也提高幼兒對學校的歸屬感。另外,透過「自己的事自己做」遊戲,幼兒進一步提升自我照顧及自理能力,包括自行收拾個人物品、自行背書包和換鞋等。
(1) 認識ABC校徽及其象徵意義
(2) 知道書包內擺放不同物品的名稱及其功用
(3) 認識「手」的字義


(1) 學習製作及操作紙偶
(2) 訓練創作力及想象力
(3) 強化事件排序的概念

(1) 認識常見爬蟲類動物的名稱、外形特徵及習性
(2) 認識夜行性動物的生活習性
(3) 了解卵生動物─海龜的孵化過程
(4) 強化幼兒對保護動物的意識

普通話兒歌 PN


