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Highlights of the Week


The cold rainy weather didn’t stop our PN students from having fun with our zoom lessons this week. They continue to learn more about healthy eating and maintaining good hygiene. The children showed everyone how they can wash their hands as well as brush their teeth on their own. For English, the students learnt about the letter T and the letter H. For the letter H, the students were able to find their own hats at home to wear during class. They also did a letter craft highlighting H is for Hair. For Math, they worked on their counting skills and met a new number friend, the number 7. To have more fun with counting, the children moved their bodies by doing basic exercises such as 7 jumping jacks, 7 body twists and even running in place for 7 seconds. We can’t wait for more fun and active lessons next week.


We had another fun week on zoom learning all about the concept of Day and Night. It was amazing to see how fast the children understood the concept and were able to answer all the questions. They even explained why they like daytime better than nighttime; obviously, because they get to play more during the day time! ☺ Math was filled with a lot of fun patterns and they enjoyed every bit of it ! We also reviewed our phonetic sounds from /a/ to /j/ and reviewed the farm animals. Our students love the topic of animals; they were able to tell us more about their favourite animals! We are looking forward to another exciting week.


Brrr! Hope you're feeling very warm and keeping healthy! This week, K2's been busy having loads of fun with our new Phonics book. It's all about reading and writing now. We are learning to read short stories and write short beautiful sentences.

In Math lesson, we are learning to recognize 50-70! Wow! That's a lot of numbers. We are also learning to use + and = signs in equations.

In Critical Thinking, we are learning about the importance of the sun. Some of us, along with our teacher are growing mung bean plants to observe how important the sun is to plants. So far we learned that a plant with the sun grows much faster than a plant that's hidden in the dark.

Hope to see you again next week for another update!


We had another great zoom week in K3A! This week in Maths we finally put our addition and knowledge of 10s and 1s to the test. We learned how to carry over when adding big numbers. We also learned more about measurement by talking about weight. In Critical Thinking, we continued our space topic by learning about stars. We know that even though they are not living things, stars are born and eventually die. We learned about the different colours stars can be in their life cycle. We’ll see everyone next week for our own planet research!


主題:「衣服/我的身體」- 神奇的身體



學習目的 :

1. 認識鼻子的功用及保護方法

2. 認識手的功用及保護方法

3. 認識腳的功用及保護方法





1. 比較牛、羊和豬外形特徵的異同

2. 認識雞和鴨的外形特徵及生活習性的異同

3. 認識農場動物對人類的貢獻





1. 知道洋紫荊是香港的市花

2. 認識不同種類的植物名稱及基本結構

3. 培養愛護花草樹木的態度





1. 認識昆蟲的身體結構及成長形態

2. 知道昆蟲保護色的作用

3. 學習分辨昆蟲是益蟲和害蟲的方法






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