Hello all! We had another fantastic week at school! We started the week with the revision on the children’s favourite toys. The little ones were very excited to draw the different toys out from the mystery box in the lesson! For English, we learned all about the letter H and the new vocabulary (House, Hand, Hamburger, Hat, Horse, Hair) that goes with it. We also worked with our hands and made a letter H craft. We all had so much fun sticking the hair and the eyes on the letter H. It was such an interesting activity and everyone was very proud with what they have created! For Math, we talked about a new special shape which was the square, and we really enjoyed finding pictures of square-shaped objects in the classroom, such as a window, a biscuit, a clock and etc. We can’t wait to continue our learning journey next week!
We started our week with one of the students’ favourite Cambridge themes, ‘My Toys’! We brought in our favourite toys from home for a ‘Show and Tell’ activity; it was great to see everyone describe their toys so passionately and demonstrate how to play with them. We also looked at some of our Cambridge friends’ favourite toys and related them to our own. In Critical Thinking this week, we delved deeper into our ‘5 senses’ topic by focusing on ‘hearing’. We really enjoyed using our ears to play lots of ‘guess the sound’ games using classroom objects, instruments and audio clips of animal sounds. We also really enjoyed making our own shakers using objects from around the classroom. In Math this week we practiced counting to 8 by integrating our Math and Cambridge lessons together, using our classroom toys to count. It’s been a lovely week and we look forward to welcoming all of our parents into our classrooms next week to join in our fun!
For Critical Thinking this week, students are introduced to two new vocabulary - solids and liquids. They are asked to identify which objects are liquids and which are solids. They also learn that solids like ice can turn into liquids i.e. water and evidently, liquids (like juice or water) can turn into solids (like popsicle sticks). In addition, we also conducted an experiment with cornstarch and water. This is the Oobleck experiment, where students can feel the firmness of the mixture (like a solid) but then letting the mixture runs through their fingers (like a liquid). All the students loved experimenting and feeling the texture of the Oobleck mixture. Some even suggested to try the experiment again at home!
For Math this week, we are doing more practice on ordering and sequencing of numbers up to 30. Students are given a number and they have to write the numbers before and after. They are now more familiar with counting objects and being able to count the numbers correctly. Way to go!
Hello again everyone! We had a great week here at ABC. We continued our discussion of states of matter this week with an experiment! We got to create a gas out of a liquid (vinegar) and a solid (baking soda). We learned that gases can be hard to see, so we created an experiment to capture the gas so we can see it. The gas we made is CO2 or carbon dioxide, the same gas we make when we breathe! In Maths this week we continued to learn to read analog clocks using ‘quarter to.’ We now can tell time using “o’clock, quarter past, half past, and quarter to.” We also continued to build our subtraction skills as well with subtracting numbers within 20. In our physical play we continued to build our body strength with static lunges and ‘plank and reach’ exercises. We also got to play a new game called, “What Time Is It Mr. Wolf?” It’s where one person is the wolf and everyone else is sheep. The ‘sheep’ ask Mr. Wolf ‘what time is it,” and the wolf will say a time and the sheep will step the hours. But watch out when Mr. Wolf says “It’s lunchtime!” We hope everyone will have a wonderful rest of your week, and we will see you all soon!
1. 認識會飛動物的名稱
2. 探索不同動物有不同的行走方式
3. 能唸讀兒歌《小鳥飛》
主題:「動物」 -海洋動物
(1) 能說出海洋裏的動物名稱及其外形特徵
(2) 認識海洋對人和動物的重要性
(3) 培養保護海洋的意識
(1) 了解郵差日常的工作及認識一些不同種類的郵票
(2) 了解髮型師的工作及所需工具
(3) 培養公德心和環保意識