Certificate of Excellence – Bravery
PNA am- Yau Alyssa
Alyssa has shown great kindness and improvement this month. she is slowly adapting to school life and familiarizing herself with class routines. She was very welcoming to our new student and actively invites her to play together.
Certificate of Excellence – Participation
K1A am- Lei Tsz Lam Adam
Adam displays an excellent attitude towards learning as he consistently cooperates with teachers and his classmates. He shows great interest and enthusiasm in all of the class activities.
Certificate of Excellence – Cheerfulness
K2A am- Wong Ka Yi Theodora
Theodora is a bubbly student who is always excited for all the activities in class. She plays well with her classmates during playtime. She is such a joy to be around with as she always makes her teachers laugh with her silly faces.
Certificate of Excellence – Participation
K2A am- Tsang I Sen
Brighton comes to school every day with the willingness to learn. He is always eager to share his ideas about the topics we are learning during English, Chinese and Mandarin lessons. He completes his tasks well on his own and even checks on his classmates. He is a great addition to our class.
Certificate of Excellence – Kindness
K3A am- Cheng Yik Yin Myles
Myles has great fun with whomever he talks to. He tries to involve others in his fun activities and wants to make sure all his friends and classmates are having a good time. He is quick to check on others if they need help or are looking for someone to talk to.
Certificate of Excellence – Bravery
K3A am- Tsang Long Ting
Carson has tried many new activities this year, and is actively trying to make new friends. He is becoming independent in navigating social interactions. By trying new challenges, he is growing up to be a strong and brave boy who can be a good example for others.