This week has been a great start to our Book Week! The story book for this week is “The Book with No Pictures”, and our PN students had a wonderful time doing lots of fun activities about this book. There were lots of laughter as we were listening to silly sounds from the story and we tried to make our own too. We also met a friend who is a hippo from this story and gave him silly names. Our PN friends love him so much that they made a puppet like him. We also learned hippo is not the only animal in the wild; We all did a good job in putting the wild animals in their right homes. This week, we reviewed letters F-J and numbers from 1-10. We practiced by counting how many ‘blueberries’ we would like to put on our ‘blueberry pizza’. The PN students have been amazing with all of the countless fun activities they have participated in!

Our K1s had a really wonderful time this week as we tried lots of new things. In Cambridge this week, we reviewed our unit on ‘Party Clothes’ and expanded our vocabulary bank by introducing more items of clothing; the students had fun pretending to dress up and related the vocabulary to items of clothing that they have at home. In Critical Thinking, we continued our ‘Under the Sea’ topic by looking closely at crabs and counting how many legs and pincers they have; we particularly enjoyed imitating how a crab walk sideways! In math, we practiced our motor skills by using pipettes to mix blue and yellow water to make a new colour, green! We also spoke about the exciting ‘Dragon Boat Festival’ and did lots of activities to get into the spirit of the festival. We made our own dragon boats, role played the act of rowing a dragon boat and being a drummer and we also tried some traditional sticky rice dumplings! Happy Dragon Boat Festival every one!

This week we learned about a very special sea creature in Critical Thinking, Seahorses! K2 students learned about different facts about these little sea creatures. They learned that not only do seahorses have no teeth, they haven’t got stomachs too. How amazing! They learned about the different parts of the body and the special things they do with them. For instance, seahorses have neither legs nor arms and so they use their tails to hang on things to move around in the sea. To finish our topic about seahorses, students made a seahorse craft using markers and then painting over them with water to create a watery effect. It looks just like they are swimming in the ocean.
We learned a new topic in Math this week. We learned to measure things with different objects. They had fun measuring things around the classroom with the objects they found. Some students measured how tall their teachers are using water bottles and others measured how long their friend’s hair is with markers. What a fun topic!

Welcome to week 20! In this week, our K3 students have learned about different zones in the ocean: the sunlight zone, the twilight zone and the midnight zone. Different animals live in different zones and there is so much more in the ocean that we haven’t explored yet! We have also made a craft so that our K3 students can understand the concept more easily! We put some sea animals on different shades of blue paper according to the zones they live in.
Our K3 have also learned how to express ourselves in future tense with ‘be going to’. That means we only use it when we talk about events that have not happened yet. Our K3 students are quick learners, we believe that they are going to shine bright as they grow older!
It has been a short but eventful week. We hope that you all had an amazing Dragon Boat Festival and have a wonderful weekend!



主題----「夏天」 踏入「夏天」主題的第二週。本週內,老師出示了不同的驅蚊產品讓幼兒分享和討論預防蚊蟲的方法。例如妥善處理棄置的容器。其次,老師引導小朋友學習一個新句式:「我愛吃…和…。」過程中,小朋友透過繪畫的形式畫出喜愛的食物,並輪流運用句式去造句。
另外,端午節要到了!小朋友通過故事了解到端午節的由來和習俗。他們也親自品嘗了粽子的美味,並一起感受端午節的氣氛。他們更提議模仿賽龍舟,期間大家都很積極地參與。最後,老師與幼兒一起重溫曾學習過的部首「人、手、口」。 學習目的:
3. 能分辨出不同的部首

主題:「運動」- 身體活動金字塔
(1) 認識「身體活動金字塔」
(2) 探索身體能做出的不同動作(跑、跳、攀、爬、投、擲)
(3) 培養健康的運動習慣

普通話兒歌 PN


