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Highlights of the Week (23/24 Term 2 Week 11)


Another amazing week for everyone at ABC and we were delighted to have our parents join us for our lessons this week! We have begun to talk about the different clothing items with our Pippa and Pop friends, and we had lots of fun on identifying all the clothing items and trying them on! For English, we learned about the letter R and the new words such as Rabbit, Red, Rose, Ring and Robot. We got to bounce like rabbits around the classroom and did the robot dance with our friends and parents! In our Math lesson, we were introduced to a new number friend which was the number 9. We had a blast playing a game that was about identifying the pictures of number 9 and we got all the answers right! Finally, we finished off the week by talking about the two different community helpers which were police officers and firefighters. We were all thrilled to pretend to be police officers and firefighters by putting on their uniforms and using their equipment! We all looked so smart and brave! That’s it for this incredible week! We can’t wait to learn more in the next one!


Hello, everyone! Welcome back to week 11 of learning at ABC. The students were thrilled to have their parents join us for our English and Chinese lessons.

In our Cambridge class, we introduced a new topic called "My Town." We learned vocabulary like Cinema, Hospital, Toy Shop and some more. The students enthusiastically shared the places they can see near their homes as well.

During our Critical Thinking class, we continued exploring the theme of transport. We learned about water, air, and land transport, and played a sorting game to deepen our understanding. To add to the fun, we also made paper planes and boats. The students had a blast creating their own paper crafts.

That's all for this week. We'll see you all again next week.


This week our K2 students started a new topic on animals, more specifically Pets. We jumped in the topic by naming as many animals as we can and categorized them into their habitats. We discussed why some animals can be pets and why others can’t. We learned that animals that are calm, gentle and small are better at being pets while wilder animals like tigers and bears are too dangerous to be kept at home.

We also started a new topic in Math lesson which is Clocks. K2 students learned that there are two kinds of clocks, analog and digital. We focused on digital clocks this week, learning the word o’clock. Students learned that the term o’clock means having two zeros at the second part of the clock.

We continued our lesson on transportation in Critical Thinking where we talked about air transportation. We learned to find similarities and differences between some aircrafts like a jet and an airplane or an airship and a hot air balloon. To take the lesson out of the classroom, we folded paper airplanes and had a flying competition during our Physical Play. What an awesome way to end the week!


Hello everyone! Welcome to week 11! In this week, our K3 students have learned all about cruise ships. We have learned that cruise ships are like hotels on gigantic ships and there are so many different ones we can go on. We also talked about famous cruise ships like RMS Titanic and how it sank 112 years ago. We looked at so many different ones but we all want to go on the Disney Cruise Line because it looks so much fun for children and families! We even designed our own cruise ship!

For math, the students learned how to buy things and pay with the exact amount of money. We practiced using toy coins and pretended to buy bread. Students had to look at the price tag and get the correct amount of coins to get the bread or pastry they like. They got to practice doing addition in their heads and figure out how to add up the coins to get the exact amount they need. We had so much fun playing the game!

That’s it for this week! See you in the next one!















(1)  認識乘坐交通工具的安全守則及應有的禮貌

(2)  認識在路軌上行駛的交通工具名稱、外形特徵和行駛地點

(3) 學習按圖片先後次序敍述內容







1) 認識水和不同物件也有密度

2) 認識在水加入鹽,增加水的密度,能令物件浮起

3) 知道水和油無法混合

K3 主題:「小小科學家」-小實驗、大學問


在浮沉實驗時,有小朋友提出疑問:若物件的形狀改變會否影響浮與沉的結果呢?於是,老師便與小朋友一起利用錫紙盤造出不同形狀並放於水中,實驗結果是球狀的錫紙盤是會沉在水底; 船狀的錫紙盤是會浮在水面。

學習目的: (1)  學習對實驗進行預測和記錄     

(2) 探索物件形狀與浮沉之間的關係

(3)  培養不斷嘗試、勇於探索及不怕失敗的科學精神

普通話兒歌 PN





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