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Highlights of the Week (23/24 Term 2 Week 19)


Hi everyone! We are buzzing with excitement as we jump into another week of learning together. Our PN friends have been busy exploring the world of shapes. We reviewed all the different shapes that we learned throughout the school year, and had fun searching for all the hidden shapes in the classroom as well as sorting them out into the correct baskets. We also focused on the letter W and its related words such as Wolf, Window, Wings, Watch. We had a delightful time pretending to move like wolves through the woods and soar like butterflies around the flowers with pretty wings. As Father’s Day is right around the corner, we have decided to make something heartwarming and special for all of our amazing Dads out there to show our love and appreciation. Look at our crafts! Do you like it, Daddy? What another fabulous week it was! We are eager to learn more in the next one!


Welcome to week 19. As Father's Day approaches, the students have been enthusiastically rehearsing for the upcoming Father's Day concert. They have also created a special craft to show their fathers love and appreciation.

In our phonics lessons, we have been reviewing various sounds, including recognizing, reproducing, and blending them.

For Cambridge, we continued our exploration of the topic "My Clothes". The students practiced using phrases like "Is he/she wearing...?" and "No, he/she isn't" to describe what people are wearing.

That concludes this week's update. See you again next week.


Hello everyone! As we enter this week, let's acknowledge that Father's Day is approaching, and our K2 students have been actively engaged in getting ready for this occasion. They have dedicated their time to rehearsing songs and crafting heartfelt presents for their beloved fathers. We have completed the Father's Day card, finishing it with our sincere messages and adding decorative elements to make it even more special.

In the Math class, the students played a card game to revise their subtraction skills. They participated in a card game alongside their partners, where a set of numbers ranging from 1 to 10 were placed on the table. Each student received cards containing subtraction questions. Additionally, some students were designated as "little teachers" and their responsibility was to check their partners' answers. If any mistakes were made, these little teachers took on the role of instructing and guiding their peers to achieve the correct solutions.

What a fun filled week of learning! See you again next week for another K2 blog.


Hello everyone! Welcome to week 19. In this week, our K3 students have learned about different threats to the ocean. We talked about why the ocean is important to us and what makes it so dirty. We looked into 6 main threats and they are plastic pollution, noise pollution, water pollution, reclamation, deep sea mining and overfishing. We wish we could help all the sea animals suffering from these threats! The K3 students also continued to prepare their crafts and performance for the Father’s Day event. They worked very hard to make sure Daddies will enjoy the show and receive the love they share!

For Math, our students have continued to review subtraction with borrowing. We made sure everyone knows the steps and we start doing the equation with the ones (right hand side) before we move on to the tens (left hand side). It’s a complicated process but we will always try our best to solve it!

That’s it for this week. Enjoy Father’s Day this weekend and we will see you in week 20!







學習目的: (1)認識郵差的工作               




主題:「夏天到」-天氣炎熱 今週開展新的主題「夏天到」,老師介紹夏天天氣的特徵,知道天文台會發出不同的天氣警告信號,令我們知道天氣的轉變可以做好預防措施。夏天天氣炎熱令我們出汗較多,小朋友學習日常清潔身體的方法,例如:洗澡、洗頭、剪指甲和洗衣服等等。他們都分享自己洗澡的步驟,還示範自己洗頭的方法,明白做個乾淨的小孩子人見人愛!



學習目的: 1) 認識不同天氣的警告圖示。 2) 認識清潔身體的方法。 3) 學習向爸爸表達愛意。




1.       認識廚師的的種類

2.       認識不同餐具使用方法

3.       享受烹飪的樂趣和珍惜食物態度






1.   知道元和角的兑換

2.   認識有關父親節的活動

3. 培養敬愛父母的品德


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