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Highlights of the Week (23/24 Term 2 Week 23)


The Pre-Nursery had an exciting and productive week in class! The students revisited some of their favourite lessons from their Pippa and Pop books, which they have been working on throughout the school year. In Math, the lesson kicked off with an interactive counting activity. The young learners stood up and enthusiastically counted from one to ten in unison, giggling as they reached ten. They later focused on the letters Y and Z and enjoyed identifying words that start with these letters. With summer holidays fast approaching, the class discussed their plans for the break, including swimming, picnics, and vacations. The students can't wait for summer to arrive so they can enjoy the warm weather and take part in lots of fun activities. It was a fun and productive week filled with learning and discovery!


What a week it has been for our K1s as they prepare for the final two weeks of this school year. For this week, not only have our K1 students showed off their amazing acting skills by playing charades, but we have also finished reading the final Cambridge story in our books. Everyone showed just how kind and thoughtful they were as we discussed the importance of looking out for your friends and saying sorry. Everyone was very excited to show how much they can look out for their friends by playing a few ball games to showcase and build up their teamwork. We have continued exploring the story of the Three Little Pigs in Critical Thinking, having a ‘building party’ as everyone independently built their very own little pig house. They were very happy to show their friends the different materials they used to make their own houses strong and beautiful. For Math, our K1 students are beginning to master counting up to 20! They also had an amazing time mixing our final colour of the year—pink! We are very proud of how far our K1 students have come this year, and we cannot wait to celebrate the end of their K1 year next week! Have a wonderful summer holiday, everyone!


Summer is here and it is getting very hot indeed! So for Critical thinking this week we were looking for ways to cool ourselves down in this summer heat. Firstly, we investigated what we humans normally eat to cool down. Evidently, we did not hesitate to tell our friends all these yummy cold foods like ice cream, frozen yogurt, watermelons or ice lollies that we all love to eat on a blazing Summer day. Then we also discussed all those fun activities that we like to do to ensure our body stays nice and cool and of course, there is one extremely important thing that we all have to remember…to stay hydrated and drink plenty of water in this heat!

For Phonics, we continued to do revision on blending and decoding sounds through practice on our notebook and also through games. For Cambridge, we had a lively discussion talking about what we do at the beach and practising all those action words like “play, listen, take, paint etc” to describe some of our favourite activities at the beach.

For Math this week, we enjoyed plenty of games and fun activities practising odd and even numbers up to 100, as well as bigger and smaller numbers within 50. 


Welcome back friends!

This week has been a very special one for our friends since they have finally graduated! The long anticipating weeks and days of practice have finally paid off! During the week, our friends were laser-sharp focused on getting the final touches right - from dancing in their costumes, and graduation gowns, to walking properly. You can definitely see their willingness and their hard work that they put into this, while also having so much fun getting to spend more of their last days as K3 students with their classmates. 

And finally, graduation day has arrived! Our friends pulled every single intricate detail from lining up nicely, in getting their certificates and graduation dolls, to dancing their hearts out and singing for their families and friends! We couldn’t be any prouder of them! It has definitely been a day but most importantly, this is definitely a core memory for each and every one of our friends that they will relive for the rest of their days!






學習目的: 1) 認識各種不同的暑期活動 2) 享受與同伴進行集體遊戲 3) 認識「沙」字的字形和字義


主題:「快樂的假期」-遊戲樂趣多今週繼續是主題「快樂的假期」,老師介紹不同的桌上遊戲的種類,例如: 骰子遊戲、圖板遊戲等等,小朋友更分享玩桌上遊戲的經驗,還邀請小朋友一起嘗試玩層層疊,他們享受遊戲過程的樂趣。另外,老師邀請小朋友進行科學遊戲,透過「彈力泡泡」影片再親自嘗試實驗是否成功,他們都樂在其中十分投入活動。老師介紹一些合作遊戲,把幼兒分組完成合作遊戲,過程中他們學習到需要溝通和互相幫助才能完成,讓幼兒知道在玩遊戲時過程比結果更重要。最後,透過故事《我想要贏》明白輸贏並不是最重要,能投入遊戲及享受過程才是最有樂趣。


學習目的: 1) 認識桌上遊戲的種類。 2) 嘗試與幼兒合作完成遊戲活動。 3) 樂意與別人一起進行遊戲。




1.       能理解《你的心情好嗎?》的故事內容

2.       能認識不同的情緒

3.       引導幼兒逐漸養成積極樂觀的生活態度

4.       學習正確的方式排解不開心的情緒


主題: 「小一生活」




學習目的: 1)回顧幼稚園生活的點滴

2 )  認識與朋友保持聯絡的方法




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