Welcome to pre-nursery weekly blog. This week in our class we explored the letter O, the concept of inside and outside, and the fascinating theme of pet cats. Our children took part in an engaging activity for the letter O. They enthusiastically placed circle stickers on a giant letter O. Allso, we used clay as a medium to form the letter. The children rolled, squished, and shaped the clay, carefully molded it into the shape of the letter O. These activities enhanced their fine motor skills and reinforced their recognition of the letter. To introduce the concept of inside and outside, the children were given a variety of objects and were encouraged to sort them into two categories. They joyfully participated in placing pencils inside the cups and blocks outside the boxes. For this week’s theme, our week revolved around the adorable pet cats. Our little ones were captivated as we read stories about cats. We encouraged them to share their experiences and stories about their own pet cats, creating a sense of connection and empathy among the children. With each passing week, our pre-nursery class continues to be a place of growth. We look forward to our future adventures with our curious young learners.

What an eventful and busy week it’s been for all of us in K1 this week. We are wrapping up our last few sounds of /x/, /y/ and /z/ this week and are playing lots of games to solidify our grasp on all of our sounds before we start blending these sounds together next week! In Cambridge this week we delved deeper into our topic of ‘My Zoo’ by talking about the different animal habitats. Critical Thinking was incredibly fun this week as we spoke about the differences between ‘Day’ and “Night”. It was particularly interesting as students were able to relate certain activities that we do such as brushing our teeth, having our meals, playing and more activities to their own personal routines. It was such a great opportunity to encourage everyone to share their own personal experiences in English, while learning interesting things about everyone’s schedule outside of school. In math, we practiced counting to 12 and making patterns using colours we have previously learned in our first term. It’s been a wonderful week and we look forward to seeing what next week has in store for us

This week for Critical thinking, we are looking at the Sun and learning about the importance of the Sun for plants, animals and for us. Then we also learned about how the Sun provides our daytime and night time by taking out a globe, and rotating it to illustrate Earth spinning around on its axis. At the same time, a light (the Sun) is shone onto the Earth. We now learnt that the side of the Earth that the “Sun” is shining on, shows daylight whilst the other side, is night time. Afterwards, we carried out a worksheet by drawing and writing about what the Sun provides as well as who and what need the Sun.
For Math this week, we are performing Math additions up to 10. We have learnt to look at the bigger number in the equation and then take out our fingers to add on the small numbers. We have been using some counters also to practice more with additions which allowed us to become quicker with additions and more interested in learning about this math concept!

Hello again everyone! We hope you all had a wonderful week, because we sure did here at ABC. In our Critical Thinking lessons this week, we continued to discuss and review the planets of our Solar System. We focused not only on the names of the planets, but also the order they are from the sun. To help us we created and finished up our Solar System crafts to help our students remember! During our Math lessons this week we continued to build upon our arithmetic skills by continuing to review ‘carryover’ addition problems. We also have begun one of the students’ favorite math concepts, MONEY!! We have learned how to correctly identify each Hong Kong note (dollar bill), as well as why we use money in the first place. In Physical Play, we strengthened our planet knowledge by playing a game where students hopped to each planet in the correct order they are in our solar system. Thank you all for taking time out of your busy schedules to read the blog and keeping up with your child’s education, it means a lot to us here at ABC. Wishing you all a fantastic weekend, and we can’t wait to see you all next week.


1. 知道食物對身體的重要性。
2. 知道雞蛋和牛奶是有益的食物。
3. 認識均衡飲食的重要性。

主題----「 植物與小昆蟲」
1) 認識公園常見的標誌及事物
2) 能搭配名詞及動詞去創作句式
3) 認識成語「一箭雙雕」的讀音及字義

1. 認識不同種類的昆蟲
2. 認識昆蟲保護色的作用
3. 知道昆蟲會利用不同的自衞方法來保護自己

普通話兒歌 PN



