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Highlights of the Week (24/25 Term 1 Week 11)


Hi everyone! Our PNs showed off what they’ve learned this term with a week of review! We started with the new vocabulary from Pippa and Pop Unit 3, where we played around with our toys and learned to share them. We then headed onto a review of the letters E and F, and had fun with our friend Mr. Fox who helped us remember all the words we learned. We also burned off some energy with leapfrogging, and had a great time hopping from hoop to hoop! To round off our week’s lessons, we then learned about the number 5, and waddled around to the song Five Little Ducks, counting and pretending to follow mommy duck around the classroom! All throughout the week as well, we reviewed and taught our newly joined classmates our class rules, and showed them how we take care of each other and our classroom. New friendships were made, fun was had for classmates old and new, and we’re all excited for next week!  


It’s been a week full of experiments as we continued our Science theme for Critical Thinking. Our mini super scientists used their observation skills to explore how ‘Germs’ can be kept away. They were very excited to try our little ‘Pepper Experiment’, where they got to see how soap can keep germs away and help us in maintaining good hygiene. We started a new topic of ‘My House’ in Cambridge this week; it was wonderful that students were able to relate the vocabulary to their own homes. As we spoke about the different rooms in the house, we also used simple verbs to describe what we can do in these rooms. We have nearly reached the end of the alphabet as we reinforced our learning of the letters X and Y this week through tracing and colouring. In Math, we enjoyed learning our new shape and colour through a story in which an orange monster was looking for all his favourite oval objects. It was a lovely way to practice the colour and shape of the week. Our week ended with an exciting birthday party where we enjoyed a variety of games that immersed us in an indoor camping experience!


We were happy to be back in school after our “long weekend”. In this week, for our Cambridge lessons, we discussed one of our favorite topics “The different kinds of clothes we wear”. This was really fun as we dressed up in fun costumes whilst roleplaying the story “The Teddy Bear Show”.

Our Math lessons were engaging and fun as we participated in many games and activities to practice our counting as well as knowing the correct order of numbers. We continued our theme of “Science” in Critical Thinking where we prepared our ingredients to make our own “Oobleck” in the week to come.

We ended the week on a happy note as we dressed up in our camping gear and enjoyed some delicious treats to celebrate the birthdays of all our friends born in November. We also navigated our way through the trail of activities and games prepared especially for us by our teachers.

What a fun week it was!!


Hello everyone! We had a short week here at ABC due to the typhoon, but we still learned so much! In our Critical Thinking lessons, we had a chance to use our five senses when we made popcorn! We used our sight, hearing, smell, touch, and finally taste to experience making the popcorn. Ask your child to use their adjectives to describe to you what they thought of the popcorn. In our Math lessons this week, we extended our knowledge of telling time to being able to reading quarter past the hour on an analog clock. Now we’ve covered o’clock (to the hour), half past and quarter past the hour. If you have an analog clock at home, feel free to try to ask your child to tell different times. In our Physical Play, we learned some new stretches like the seated twist! Make sure to always stretch before playing or any type of exercise activities!







1.  認識陸地上動物的名稱

2.  知道陸地上動物的外形與特徵

  1. 認識「日」的字形和字義






1. 能運用身體不同部分進行活動

2. 認識男孩和女孩服裝之間的區別 3. 能認讀句式並配合動作



今週是「動物」主題的第三週,透過獅子模型引起小朋友的興趣,開始探索居住在森林內的動物,認識牠們的特徵和習性,例如:長頸鹿有長長的頸、獅子吃肉等等,更嘗試創作句子「 (老虎)是森林裏的動物。」




1)  能說出森林裏有甚麼動物

2) 認識保護動物的方法

3) 能說出句式「(老虎)是森林裏的動物。」(獅子、斑馬、長頸鹿)


主題: 「幫助我們的人」









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