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Highlights of the Week (24/25 Term 1 Week 19)


Hello everyone! We can’t wait to share what our PNs accomplished during their first week of 2025! We hit the ground running with a review of the letters I and J. We also showcased how many new vocabulary words starting with I and J we remembered from last year. Next, we dove into our Numbers Time, introducing a new number—6! We learned how to count all the way to 6 using our two hands, and we are excited to count even bigger and higher next time.

After that, we reunited with our old friends, Pippa and Pop, and learned all about our bodies and the parts of our faces. Who knew that Pippa and Pop have faces just like ours?

Following this super fun first week back at school, we can’t wait to see what else this year has in store for us. Until next time!


We had a lovely time greeting our friends and teachers this week while wishing them all a "Happy New Year." Everyone has been so excited to share stories about their break and pictures they took during their Christmas celebrations.

 In Cambridge this week, we revisited our weather-related vocabulary and delved deeper into the topic by exploring how we dress according to weather conditions. In Phonics, we introduced the sounds /k/ and /l/ and played some revision games to reinforce our retention of the previous sounds.

Critical Thinking this month is all about "People Who Help Us," and this week we talked about firefighters and the tools they use to help us and keep themselves safe, too. We loved dressing up as firefighters and role-playing putting out flames on our interactive whiteboards. Our week ended with an exciting jungle-themed birthday party full of fun to celebrate our January birthdays. We’re so happy to have started the year with so much enthusiasm and hope this sets the tone for the rest of the year.


For Critical Thinking, this month we are looking at different occupations, starting with the job of a chef. We watched videos of various chefs making different types of meals. We explored chefs who prepare Western, Chinese, or Japanese food, as well as pastry and dessert chefs. We also discussed how different types of chefs require different utensils and ingredients to produce delicious food. As a class activity, we each designed our own menus, introducing a bit of a money concept into the activity.

For Math this week, we are looking at combinations of numbers up to 5, where two sets of different objects were given, and our K2 friends had to create their own combinations of the number (up to 5). We also practiced writing out numbers from 20 to 30 to help us become familiar with these numbers and to complete worksheets on neighboring numbers for the following week.


Hello everyone, and welcome back to the new school year! We’ve heard about many exciting adventures our students experienced during the holidays. January is a short month, so we have a lot to accomplish in a limited time!

In our Critical Thinking class this month, we are focusing on community helpers. This week, we’re learning about paramedics. We've discussed what to do in emergencies and explored the various tools that paramedics use in their important work.

In Math, we’ve introduced the concepts of greater than (>) and less than (<), as well as equality. We’re also continuing to practice subtracting three single-digit numbers at a time.

During our physical play sessions this week, we’ve been developing our balancing skills by using bean bags, balancing them on different parts of our bodies, such as our heads and feet.

Lastly, we celebrated our January birthdays this Friday, and had a fantastic time!



    今週為主題「郊遊」的第一週,老師與幼兒一起探索香港的郊野公園,了解公園的設施和景色。 在活動中,幼兒探索了郊野公園的生態和美景,他們發現除了戶外遊樂設施外,公園還有許多可愛的動物和美麗的花草。其中一些孩子還分享了與家人一起燒烤的有趣經歷。他們對郊遊活動表現出濃厚的興趣和熱情。





1. 認識香港的郊野公園及設施

2. 學習在郊外野餐後要清理垃圾才能離開

3. 享受模擬野餐活動的樂趣



  今星期開展新的主題「房屋」,運用圖片介紹家中不同的房間,例如: 睡房和浴室。小朋友認識到房間會有不同的設計特色,他們能投票選出自己喜歡的房間設計。老師邀請小朋友嘗試介紹自己的睡房特色,很多小朋友都能分享睡房床單的顏色。他們還能説出不同房間裏有的物品及用途,例如小朋友分享在睡房會抱住洋娃娃陪伴睡覺,喜歡和爸爸媽媽一起在客廳看電視。最後,小朋友學習保持家居清潔,他們能扮演煮飯後抹乾淨廚房,吃飯後抹乾淨餐桌。



1.  能配對不同物品圖片到適當的房間內。

2.  能説出房屋内不同房間的用途。

3.  能學習保持家居清潔的態度。






1) 認識小朋友認識了港鐵、小巴和巴士外型和設施

2) 能辨認出車廂內的標誌

3) 能把時間、人物和地點的詞語分類





學習目的: 1) 學習洗衣標籤上圖案符號的意思

2) 懂得按天氣及場合需要穿著合適的衣服

3) 探索不同的衣服物料

普通話兒歌 PN





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