This week our little ones had a delightful time celebrating the Mid-Autumn Festival! They played joyfully with colourful lanterns, lighting up the room with their smiles and the lanterns' glow. The children also got to taste delicious mooncakes, star fruits and pears as part of the festivities. Alongside the celebrations, our young learners were introduced to the letter "A" through a fun activity where they crafted apples out of red paper. Additionally, our little learners also focused on the number '1' this week. We played a fun game called "One and Only." Each child was given a basket and asked to find one of various items hidden around the classroom—one red block, one toy car, one stuffed animal, and so on. This activity not only helped them understand the concept of the number '1' but also encouraged them to move around and engage with their environment. It was a week filled with joy, learning, and cultural exploration!

It has been a delightful experience witnessing our K1 students acclimate to classroom procedures and revel in exploring and commemorating the Mid-Autumn Festival collectively. Engaging in Critical Thinking, we delved into the significance of the seasonal fruits and foods associated with the festival, allowing us to share and savour these treats during our festive gathering. Additionally, we had a playful time incorporating lanterns into our physical activities, much to the students' delight. Integrating mathematical concepts, we engaged in storytelling, tracing and colouring to introduce the number '3' and enjoyed interactive tasks centered around the colour 'yellow', where students chose various yellow objects from our ‘mystery box’ and placed them into our ‘yellow tray’ after verbalising the colour and object. See you next week!

A radiant light has been shining over our K2 classes this week as we prepared for the much waited for Mid-Autumn Festival. We used our Critical Thinking lessons to share what we were most looking forward to during the celebrations with our families. We also exercised our creativity by making paper lanterns.
In our Cambridge lessons we continued to explore the theme of “Self-Care “, where we discussed the many ways, we could care for ourselves at school and at home; we then went on to trace how we would feel if we did not care for ourselves. This activity had us completely certain we are going to practice our self-care routines over the Mid-Autumn Festival as we would not want to be missing out on the delicious moon cakes by feeling” tired” or feeling “sick”.
On Wednesday, we held a Mid-Autumn Class party sharing traditional food with our friends and playing with lanterns with our friends. We also tasted yummy mooncakes with various flavours and lots of tasty seasonal fruits like pomelos and starfruits. We wish you all a Happy Mid-Autumn festival everyone!

Welcome back everyone! This week has been exciting for our K3 friends! To gear them up for the Mid-Autumn Festival, our friends had a review of their Moon Phases and wrapped up their booklet about the phases of the Moon for their Critical Thinking Lesson!
Then for Math, we had dived more into the 3D shapes, learning about their characteristics and their names. Then, we practiced our addition skills without the number line, but by our fingers instead! It was a great challenge for our friends, but it was nice to see them having fun!
And finally, to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival, we had our own mini party at school! Our friends shared snacks, fruits and mooncakes! They had so much fun playing with their lanterns in the playground! And to make the festival more memorable, our friends even made their own lanterns! It was nice to see them unleash their creativity!
Hope everyone enjoyed reading about our K3 friends this week! We can’t wait to share what’s in store for them next week!!

1. 嘗試介紹自己的家庭成員
2. 認識中秋節食品
3. 享受製作月餅手工的樂趣

學習目的: 1) 能享受中秋節的樂趣
2) 能分享上學的方法
3) 能分辨出各款校服的分別(運動服/男孩子校服/女孩子校裙)

1) 認識中秋節的應節食品
2) 能運用不同的圖工物料創作
3) 認識「手」部首及其字詞

1. 認識學校/家附近的社區設施和用途
2. 認識常用的付款方法(現金、八達通、信用卡)
3. 提高幼兒的環保意識
