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Highlights of the Week


PN students continue to explore the world around them. Thisweek was very productive! For English, the letter J was the new letter of the week. They learnt new words such as jam, jacket, juice, and jump. The students also learnt how to dance a jellyfish and had so much fun! As for the theme about “The Body”, they continued to learn about to stay healthy and strong. The students had activities to distinguish between healthy and some unhealthy foods. For Math, they practiced counting up to 4 and made it to number 5. PN students were lucky to meet another animal friend this week. They were happy to feed a cat some healthy snack. It was an exciting week for our PN students.


It’s been another week full of exciting hands-on activities that the students enjoyed. For Cambridge, we read a story in which Mike used the moonlight to cast shadows of ‘monsters’ in the grass. After the story, we all enjoyed casting our own monster shadows on our whiteboards using flashlights. We continued our ‘Science Fun’ month for critical thinking this week by focusing on the different ways we can mix colours. The students loved mixing red, yellow, and blue using blocks, ink, crayons, and paint. This helped us remember our new colour, orange, which is made from mixing red and yellow. We also practiced counting to 7 and learning more about our shape ‘oval’ by painting orange ovals and counting them. We look forward to more fun next week!


With the cooler weather this week, we got the chance to relate it to our new English unit which is about clothes. We got to explore the different types of clothing that we can wear depending on the weather or season. For Math, we continued to learn numbers from 1-20, with extra focus on which numbers come or after one another. For Critical Thinking, we got to do a “Bouncy Egg” Experiment. We submerged an egg in vinegar for two days and then took it out to see the result. We were all surprised to find that the egg’s hard shell had completely dissolved, and it became a bouncy soft egg. We bounced it until it broke, but it was interesting to see how the egg changed. This was a continuation of us learning more about our five senses, so we look forward to more experiments in the next couple of weeks using touch, taste, sound, smell and sight!


Hello everyone! We hope you all had a great week! For critical thinking, we discussed what matter is, and also the three main states of matter; solids, liquids, and gases. We talked about the characteristics of these states, so try to quiz your child on things around the house. Is it a solid, liquid, or gas? For Math, we continued to review subtraction, as well as how to tell time. During our physical play, we practiced dancing like different states of matter! It was so much fun!


主題:「動物」- 齊來認識動物




(1) 認識陸地上動物的名稱

(2) 能辨認不同動物的叫聲

(3) 嘗試模仿動物的姿態動作






(1) 能用鼻子探索不同的氣味

(2) 能說出鼻子、手和腳的功用及其保護方法

(3) 培養感恩及愛護身體的態度


主題:「動物 」- 野生動物












(1) 比較中西醫的不同之處

(2) 知道不同病徵可尋求不同的專科醫生協助

(3) 認識不同醫護人員的工作

普通話兒歌 PN




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