It's good to know that the sunny days are back again. This wonderful weather adds up to the excitement of the children as they are now on their last week of exploring the theme of keeping healthy. They have been building up their muscles by exercising to the beat of different fun songs shared by their teachers. For English, the PN students learned about the letter V and I. For the letter I, the students made a wonderful letter craft showing I for Iguana. For Math, it was all about the ovals. The children shared all the oval-shaped objects that they can find at home.
It’s been a lovely start to March for our K1 students as it marks the start of some new and exciting topics. In Cambridge, we started the topic ‘Food’, which is a topic we enjoyed as it was easy to relate to. We practiced expressing our preferences in full sentences like “I like to eat…” and “My favourite food is…”. What a great opportunity it’s been for everyone to share and learn about their friends’ likes and dislikes! In phonics this week we learned the sounds /k/ and /l/ through stories and a delicious taste-test activity with lemons and lollipops. In Critical Thinking, we explored the concept of small, medium and large with the story of “Goldilocks and The Three Bears” and ended our week by making some delicious Bread Bears! In Math, we learned to count to 12 this week and made a new colour ‘grey’ by mixing black and white paint together. It’s been a wonderful week and we look forward to having lots of fun in the next few weeks with our Summer School activities. Stay safe everyone ☺

This week we are learning about the Moon. Students were shown videos of how the Moon orbits around the Earth. We had discussions on how the Moon looks like and how long it takes for the Moon to orbit fully around Earth. Our K2 students have concluded that although the Moon looks very nice, they prefer our planet “Earth” because it gives us “light” and “warmth” in order for plants to grow, and provide food for us to eat.
Hello everyone! We hope everyone is being safe out there, we are thinking of you. In our lessons this week we continued our discussions about space! We’ve gone over all of the planets, moons, and even talked about stars. This week though we learned how to create a research project! We first picked one planet and picked out three interesting things about that planet. We learned some really cool facts! For our math this week we added another way to measure something to our repertoire, volume or how much an object can hold. We discussed how although similar, volume and mass are two different things. We also discussed how we can measure volume with ml. Try to find things in your house that use ml to measure its contents. Even though we’ve been inside, don’t forget to keep fit! Playing games like ‘Simon Says’, Charades, or other physical games can get the whole family moving! Also set strength challenges amongst yourselves to push each other to exercise with push-ups, wall-sits, or sit-ups. Stay healthy everyone, and we will see you all soon!
學習目的 :
1. 認識衣服的功用
2. 認識不同衣服的質料
3. 懂得分辨衣服的種類

1. 認識會生蛋和不會生蛋的動物
2. 知道人類是胎生的動物
3. 初步認識卵生的動物
1. 認識香港常見的昆蟲
2. 知道昆蟲身體主要部分的名稱
3. 認識毛毛蟲進化成蝴蝶的過程

1. 認識不同的天氣景象
2. 知道氣候變化所帶來的災害
3. 培養小朋友保護地球的態度


