This is our first week of daily face-to-face classes! The children were happy to play on the playground with their friends and join the classroom activities! They reviewed the letters of the alphabet by cooking the “letters soup” and matching the letters to the pictures; they had so much fun! The theme of this week was “Parks”, and our young learners talked about their favourite parks in Hong Kong and the things they do when they visit them. For Math, the children learned all about the heart shape and daily objects of the relevant shape such as balloons, chocolates, cakes and sunglasses.
Our first full week back at school has been great as we have been able to spend lots of time together learning through various hands on activities that we really enjoy. We started off our week with a story to wrap up our Cambridge unit of ‘Transport’. We were able to recap the vocabulary and verbs we learned throughout this unit as well as discuss the moral of the story, which is to be grateful for everything our parents do for us. It was really interesting to talk about this as a class and it really brought to light how mature and understanding our K1 students are. Phonics was really exciting this week as we learned the sounds /s/ and /t/ along with fun activities to reinforce our learning. For /s/, we decorated a snake with silver scales, and for /t/, we pretended to be dentists by using tongs to put teeth back on a toothless monkey. We continued our Critical Thinking theme of ‘nature’ this week by looking at insects. We really enjoyed examining plastic versions of the insects and talking about their colours, body parts and the differences among them. It’s been a lovely week and we can’t wait to continue our learning journey next week!
This week for Critical Thinking we are learning about different types of “Insects” and also their body parts. Students were taught a memorable tune “Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes” but instead the lyrics were replaced with “Head, Thorax and Abdomen”. They were all really excited to learn the songs. They were also shown an actual “bee” so they can develop their knowledge further on insects. In addition, we explored insects like “stick insects” and “ladybug” and watch some videos about the life cycle of those insects. In Math, students were given more practice on writing out the time in digital and analog forms, as well as learning how to draw the time on the clock.
For English, we have started a new unit on food, students were asked to describe their favourite food using the sentence “I like…” or “I don’t like…’. They were also able to use the plural form of food items such as “I like oranges”. Furthermore, they were taught to use “and” for the last food item to improve their speaking fluency when describing their favourite food.
The first full week back has been great! The K3 students have learned so much about bees and pollination. We were able to practice pollination with our fingers and we have also learned words like “pollen” and “nectar”. We also learned how important bees are for the environment because of pollination and for making honey. This week in math, we learned more about symmetry and lines of symmetry. The students were able to practice drawing the other half of a picture as well as decide if a figure is symmetrical or not. The students have enjoyed having physical play again, and we continue to learn new stretches and warm up our bodies before we start to play. We hope you have a wonderful weekend and we look forward to next week.
(1) 能把食物圖片分類放到食物金字塔去
(2) 學習與人分享
(3) 培養珍惜食物的態度
(1) 認識豆制品及其益處
(2) 培養幼兒不偏食的習慣
(3) 認識各類食物建議的進食份量
主題: 「小小科學家」─浮沉現象
(1) 認識物件在水中的沉浮狀態
(2) 學習使用記錄表做觀察記錄
(3) 培養科學探索精神
主題:「小小科學家」─ 小實驗,大學問
(1) 認識磁鐵的特性
(2) 能掌握運用放大鏡、顯微鏡和望遠鏡的技巧
(3) 提升口語達及與人溝通的能力