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Highlights of the Week


Our youngest students are slowly getting back to their regular routine. They continue exploring new things and creating friendships. This week they were introduced to Phonics and the first sound in line - /a/. The children have learnt that /a/ is the beginning sound for apple, ant, and alligator! We continue our theme - Parks and this week the students had a blast playing pretend picnic! For Math, the children were introduced to number 8 through different fun games, another great week at school!


Our K1 students have been very busy this week as they continue to explore different topics through fun games and activities. We have moved on to our final unit of ‘Party Clothes’ in Cambridge this week as our students talk about what they would wear to a party. We are also nearly done with learning all our Phonics sounds as we move on to sounds /u/ and /v/ this week. Our K1 children have had a wonderful time playing games like limbo for /u/ as they try to go under the string. Let’s also not forget about our cool volcano experiment this week to learn about /v/. It’s all about matching for Math this week as our students explored the concept of sorting similar objects together. All of our K1s were keen on helping sort different things by colour through fun relay games and were very eager to find matching pairs of patterned socks in our little clothes line. We continue our topic of Insects this week as we dive deeper into looking at bees for Critical Thinking. Our students were able to use their knowledge to build a giant bee together. They also had a great time pretending to be busy bumblebees as they harvest ‘nectar’ from flowers and deliver to their hive. Finally, we end our week with something sweet as our K1 students were able to touch and feel honeycomb.


Hello all! In Critical Thinking this week we are diving even deeper into the theme of Insects, by focusing on one specific insect, the bee! We have been learning how honey is made and how bees go from eggs to larvae to fully grown. We have also been learning about how important bees are to flowers. It’s been mighty fun! We got to look at a model of a bee hive and a honeycomb too! In Math we have continued on the theme of how to tell time by learning about half past. This week we are focusing on digital clocks, but next week we will be looking at how to tell “half past” on analog clocks! We have also been practicing counting down all the way from 50-21. The weather outside this week has been a bit gloomy, however it hasn’t dampened our spirits here in K2!


Hello everyone! We hope everyone has been staying dry this rainy week. We have officially began practicing for our graduations and learning our songs. Everyone is doing such a great job! In our critical thinking lesson, we have transition from bees and flowers to the plants we eat. We’ve discussed the different parts of a plant. We learned which vegetables are roots, tubers, stems, leaves, flowers, or fruits. We discussed all the tasks that go into making these vegetables and how they end up on our plates. In math this week we’ve continued our symmetry discussions and the difference between vertical and horizontal. We also have reviewed our addition word problems with even larger numbers! During our physical play we focused on our lower bodies this week by working our legs and gluteus maximus!


主題:「交通工具」─ 馬路上常見的交通工具名稱





(1) 認識在馬路上常見的交通工具名稱

(2) 透過圖工培養幼兒的創意及訓練小手肌

(3) 認識「車」的字形和字義


主題:「交通工具」─ 陸上的交通工具



(1) 認識各種常見的陸上交通工具

(2) 比較巴士、小巴、的士的不同之處

(3) 知道公共交通工具是大眾都可使用的


主題: 「認識世界」─世界大不同



(1) 認識地球包含陸地和海洋

(2) 認識不同國家的美食及飲食文化

(3) 學習尊重文化差異


主題:「交通工具」─ 古時與現今的交通工具




(1) 認識香港的交通工具

(2) 認識古今交通工具的轉變

(3) 認識社會進步與交通工具轉變的關係







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