For the next few weeks, the PN students will be learning everything about community helpers. This week the children got to know more about firemen and their importance in society by listening to stories and even dressing up as one. The students engaged themselves with some sensory activities by playing around with ice that were shaped as different fire engines. For English, they started to learn new vocabulary words that are used to describe different kinds of homes around them such as city, country and buildings. For Math, they explored the concept of same and different. They worked on their problem solving skills by grouping objects that are of the same colour and shape. They made sure to end the week by understanding that Father’s day is this weekend and to remember to show how much they love their fathers through hugs, kisses and handmade gifts.

We started this week reviewing our phonetic sounds from /a/ to /c/ by recognizing and reproducing the sounds all by ourselves. We had such a great time doing that altogether as a class. For Critical thinking, we learnt about the concept of Fathers’ Day and did a little sharing using lovely pictures of us with our amazing fathers. We told our classmates where we went with our daddy and what activities we did together! It was delightful to see all of our students being so excited to share their experiences in class. We also reviewed the names of animals that live under the sea such as seashells, starfish & other types of fishes. For Math, we reviewed counting from 1 till the number 17! It’s a big number for the children but they’re pretty confident at counting and are doing a fantastic job J! For Cambridge, we are reviewing the names of different vegetables. It seems like the children have really healthy choices as they love eating all their vegetables such as carrots, broccoli, cucumbers and many more! We can’t wait to hear how the kids spent time with their fathers’ on Father’s Day!

First of all, we would like to greet everyone’s dad a Happy Fathers’ day. To understand more about this special occasion, we made special Father’s Day cards with an under the sea theme for Critical Thinking. We all can’t wait to give it to our dads this weekend. For English, we started with a new unit learning about the different parts of a house. We learnt new words like “cellar” and “hall” which are uncommon in Hong Kong because most people here live in flats. For Math, we are slowly learning how to count in twos. It is a little difficult to master but through lots of practice we are getting the hang of it. We applied this new way of counting by grouping ourselves in twos and counting out loud during Physical Play. As a challenge, we even grouped in threes and counted in threes for fun.What a fantastic week it has been for us.

Everyone is excited for this weekend since it’s Father’s Day. We have prepared something special to give to all our Fathers. We decorated and made greeting cards on Shrinky Dink paper. We placed the cards in the oven and had fun watching them shrink into a thick plastic card. We also were given the choice to convert them to either keychains or magnets. We also got to use different adjectives to describe our fathers and made a poem out of them. For Math, we are still learning about regrouping when it comes to subtracting numbers and expanding our knowledge of fractions by working with numbers that are an eighth of a fraction. What an exciting week it is! Happy Father’s Day everyone! Enjoy your lovely weekend!

(1) 知道過馬路時「紅燈停、綠燈走」的概念
(2) 投票選出最喜愛的交通工具
(3) 享受製作父親節禮物的樂趣

(1) 認識如何正確使用這些行人過路設施
(2) 培養遵守交通規則的正確態度
(3) 懂得感謝父親對自己的愛護

主題: 「認識世界」-人類的破壞對動植物之苦
(1) 知道人類生活對動植物的影響
(2) 認識水污染的嚴重性及影響
(3) 提升保護環境的意識

(2) 知道正確使用過路設施的方法
(3) 知道路上的道路設施

普通話兒歌 PN

