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Highlights of the Week


The PN students enjoyed their last week of fun with books. They had stories such as Brown Bear, Brown Bear What do you see, The Three Little Pigs and Press Here. The children got engaged with the books being read to them that they are now able to identify the pictures or understand what the story is about. For English, they reviewed the previous units of Little Steps level 1 and one PN class learnt everything about the letter Y. Words such as Yellow, Yarn and Yoyo where introduced to the children. They even got to play with a real yoyo. They had fun watching it go up and down. For Math, they also review all the concepts they have learnt throughout the year. Next week is going to be exciting since it’s going to be everything about Summer! The children can’t wait to see what fun activities are in store for them.


We had a fantastic week as we had so many fun things to do at school this week! For CT, we talked all about how we spend our summer with our families and friends by eating ice-creams, popsicles and going to the beaches. We also talked about crabs, their features and made a beautiful crab craft! The children absolutely loved having such a fun theme. For Math, we mixed black and white and our students were stunned to see the outcome. GREY! We did a revision and counted all the way from 1-20. For Cambridge , we revised our previous concepts and revised them in order to refresh their memory. For Phonics, we reviewed our sounds from /a/ to /z/ and practiced basic sound blending as well.


It’s the second last week of our school year, and we’ve enjoyed every second of it. The fun didn’t stop this week in Critical Thinking, when we learned about how to beat the heat during the summer time. Although multiple days of thunderstorms is one solution, we looked at what we can do on sunny summer days, like we had last week. We learned about how shade, fans, sweat and even ice cream can help cool us down. Then we learned about what some animals do to beat the heat as well!

Near the end of this week we even tried out an experiment. We went “fishing” for ice cubes using only a string and salt. Thankfully we had enough ice cubes, because we had to try it twice, and thankfully it worked on our second attempt! In Math this week we learned odd numbers up to 100, as well as practiced which number is bigger with numbers up to 50. Only one more week to go K2! Let’s make it a great one!


It is Summer! We are getting ready to plan out for the things we can do this Summer. In Math, we asked each other in class what kind of activities we would like to do in summer using the tally and bar charts we have learned before. We are excited to learn what our classmates are going to do. We also tried doing addition and subtraction together in one question. It was a fun challenge and the students were good at it. We’re having an absolute blast with Critical Thinking as we are using our fine motor skills to the test by doing symmetry and writing about what we would like to see, eat, and learn during the Summer. Things are going to be fun and productive for everyone! Have a great weekend everyone!


主題: 「快樂的假期」



(1) 懂得與好朋友分享玩具

(2) 能對感謝的人說出謝謝你

(3) 能自行穿外套


主題:「快樂的假期」─ 遊戲種類多



1. 認識不同種類的遊戲

2. 學習遵守遊戲規則

3. 享受玩遊戲的樂趣


主題:「快樂的假期」─ 遊戲種類多



1. 認識不同種類的遊戲

2. 學習遵守遊戲規則

3. 享受玩遊戲的樂趣





(1) 說出在幼稚園生活中的最喜歡的事情

(2) 抒發完成幼稚園階段的感受

(3) 認識與朋友保持聯絡的方法

普通話兒歌 K1




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